Friday 14 June 2013


Long time no see, i have been really busy with a new blog. This blog is private but maybe later, i will tell you the url. For now, i will try and give more attention to this blog! I kinda have writer's block but i hope to share something soon. Bye for now! x

Thursday 16 May 2013

Temptations and Stress

In today's modern day world, there are many temptations in our lives. One example is in my personal life; cursing is a big problem. Many of my friends curse and use bad language. At first, it was really shocking to me, and I literally cringed every time someone said something just the slightest bit bad. I have, unfortunately, gotten used to it, but it still shocks me when they curse at school when the teachers are just an earshot away. Hearing it all the time occasionally makes me think them, and almost say them. It's hard to be a good Christian girl in today's world. I have tried my hardest not to use God's name in vain, but on the rare occasion I must stop myself. I can't force myself to hang out with a different crowd because I've known them literally all my life. Because I have to focus on that on top of school, home, and friend drama, life gets really crazy. It puts a lot of pressure and stress on me, so the best thing for me is to use a relaxation/de-stress technique. I use it in bed, while doing homework, or when I'm alone. So what you do is this:

  • sit/lay straight with good posture
  • close your eyes and imagine yourself in your favorite place
  • then clench your toes hard and very slowly unclench them
  • clench your fists and slowly unclench them
  • flex your muscles, slowly going up your body while breathing deeply
  • then open your eyes
it really works. hope you try it. :)

Sunday 5 May 2013

Memory Verse of The Day.

Happy Sunday Gorgeous(and handsome) readers! I hope the day was great! I leant a new memory verse in church today and thought i might share it as the memory verse of the day! And it is..................................
John 3: 17-18
And it says: For God did not send his son into the world to be its judge but its Saviour. Those who believe will not be judged but those who do not believe have already been judged for not believing in God's only son.
This means God sent his son into this world not to destroy us but to die for us and cleanse us of our sins thereby saving us! When God sent his son into this world, John 8:32 came truee. It says; And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
Jesus helped us to discover the truth and believe in him. Without him coming down, we would be condemned in heaven right now.
I hope this short post was inspirational and do leave a comment to share your thoughts which are always welcome! x

Saturday 27 April 2013

Book review: Princess By Belinda Ray

Many of you don't know this but i used to love books! I used to read all day a few months ago and i was even caught reading in a French class once!( *check-not good). But i guess my interest in fashion has taken over all my other interests which i want to change. I miss the old Naana a little and i want that girl who was way sweeter and more quiet and studious back and i am working on it. Let's cut the what mystery book will i be reviewing?! Well...........................................
''Princess'' filed under Charm club by Belinda Ray. It is an amazing and interesting book! I read it a long long time ago(when i say long, i am not exaggerating). About a week or so ago, i picked it up and run through. I love how the story goes. It is about a girl Jasmine Porter who moved out of her neighborhood for a reason not mentioned and comes back only to find out that her life-long enemy still hates her. However, she is greeted by her old two best friends ends with another new girl introduced to hair. It turn out her enemy still hates her and will do anything to humiliate her! Jasmine is later on given a charm bracelet by her best friends from which a solution to her problems emerges................a fairy. Although she doesn't help out at first, everything works out later on and she actually wins an award at a talent show! I am not quite a good narrator and i know you must be thinking, what talent show?! Tell us, tell us. Well, go get your own and then you can dissolve it yourself!

Friday 26 April 2013

How to put together the perfect sunday outfit!

Hi lovely readers, hope you are all great! Today, we will be talking about how to put together the perfect Sunday outfit. I will be giving the tips and you will share your opinion in the form of a comment. So.......................i don't know about you but i have a hard time putting together Sunday outfits. Lately, it has gotten better because i have( if not completely), gotten a little bit over the idea that i have to wear something new every Sunday because it is financially not good to have that in your head and when you really think about it, there is no sense in doing that. Now, i work with what i have and once in a while, i get a treat from my parents and friends. (Treat=clothes/accessories). I am trying to be more independent and to get myself some of the stuff that i need by saving which you can try too but don't go overboard. So what are my tips?!  3 steps only!
* Plan the night before- You must know what you are going to wear to church the night before Sunday morning. This is very important and you don't want to wake up feeling lost on what to wear or turn up looking like a ''rag''. Make sure to iron your dress/ skirt and top and put them in a safe place. You must make sure to wear what suits your figure and it must have a bit of style. Not too tight and just below your knee(never above). Keep accessories in mind and add a couple of bangles, maybe a necklace and ear rings. Don't go overboard and don't wear torn or very old clothes!
*The next morning........... Wake up early and say your prayers and do your quiet time. If you have chores, do it and then start your whole ''preparing for Church''! After doing your chores, go brush your teeth if you haven't and then go take your bath. Make sure to wash your hair and the rest of your body well and then towel dry.Then apply body lotion/cream, use deodorant, put on your underwear, use body splash if you have any and then put on your outfit. Take your time but don't be as slow as a snail! For your makeup, just lip gloss will do but you can use eye shadow and mascara once in a while. I don't recommend the latter two or even foundation because they make you age quickly. The final touch is doing your hair in whatever way you want. I have a really low low cut(you can tell from my pictures) so i just apply hair cream to my hair and brush it. Although my hair is hard, when i do this while it's still wet, it looks nice.Then, spray light perfume at the back of your ear and on your hands(the part where your pulse is checked-what is that part called?)
* At church, be confident and love how you look! Make sure to pay attention to the preacher because no matter how much you look fabulous, God won't be pleased if you are not listening to his word! Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you do not look good! They are (read my lips)......JEALOUS. Well, thanks for reading! I gotta run! x

Thursday 25 April 2013

What is bad and what is not?!

So this is our first post and i do hope we all enjoy ourselves. Today, we will be talking about everything around us, what is right and what is not. Now if you are a true Christian, you already know there are some stuff around us which are not good. It could be music, clothes, books or movies. But how do we tell if they are not good for us? Simple answer: How the content agrees with the Gospel. If that song made a hot playlist in your country, that doesn't mean you should listen to it unless it does not go against the scripture. If that dress is too short and you know it, don't wear it because your favourite celebrity wore it! You must always wear decent but stylish clothes! Then the books: Romance, romance, romance, no ,no, no! I used to love them but they are so not good! Lastly are movies. Don't watch bad movies with drugs, achohol, etc being portrayed as good! You know what the etc stands for, i just don't want to write it. What do you think? Any contribution?! Let me know in the form of a comment! Thanks for reading! x